
Stockton-on-the-Forest Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Learning for Life and Caring for All


Our School Computing Intent

It is our schools intention to provide a computing curriculum that imparts children with the knowledge of risks online and how to remain safe enabling pupils to use technology in a  responsible way independently. One which develops children’s confidence and competence of engaging with a variety of technology to encourage them to belong to a world shaped by technology. A curriculum that allows them to gain skills that will equip them for life. It is our intent that our computing curriculum seeks to engage and enrich children’s experiences in school through digital literacy, ICT and computer science allowing them to become confident digital learners who use computational thinking in an ever changing digital world.

Our School Computing Implementation

We use the Barefoot and Teach Computing schemes of learning to teach Computing at our school. These schemes are exciting, challenging and relevant for our pupils. They ensure our children have the up to date skills and knowledge in the subject. Covering the full breadth of skills to make sure that our pupils develop enjoyment and enthusiasm for the subject. See the Teach Computing spiral curriculum chart and long term planner below to see what each pupil will cover in their learning journey at our school. As this quality scheme uses a sprial approach, it means that the skills and knowledge in different aspects of Computing are covered each year. Being a small school with mixed aged classes this is a great approach as it means our children cover all elements of the Computing curriculum on their learning journey through our school.


Focused Computing Tasks

EYFS: Creating algorithms using forward and backward

Year 1 / 2: Using a Chromebook to create a picture using graphics tools

Year 3 / 4: developing a program with blocks of code

Year 5 / 6: downloading algorithms and programming a microcontroller
