Happy, Healthy, Learning for Life and Caring for All
Science Week Monday 20th – Friday 24th March
This year the theme of Science Week was Connections and thanks to our fantastic school community we enriched our children’s learning by having some fantastic activities taking place led by Scientists in our community.
Physics Monday: Dr Daniel Parsons, who works at the Humboldt University in Berlin, is an internationally recognised astrophysicist from Skipton in North Yorkshire. His work includes research into cosmic rays and gamma rays. The children asked interesting questions to Daniel about space and all things physics!
Chemistry Tuesday: Mrs Joy Myers MSc spoke to our children about her career in Chemistry, love of science and her own research into polymers. With the children, Joy demonstrated exciting experiments and challenged the children to aspire to solve some global issues through Chemistry.
Biology Thursday: A whole school carousel where the children worked in cross year group teams to complete three different challenges. Our challenges were themed biodiversity and included making a fat ball bird feeder, investigating the outdoors on a scavenger hunt and looking at how we process nature and the environment through hearing.
Medical Friday: KS2 explored the world of medicine and surgery with Mrs Jenny Piper. Jenny is a Consultant Oncoplastic breast surgeon and the Clinical Director for General Surgery and Urology at York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust . Her interactive session had many of our children inspired about careers in medicine.