
Stockton-on-the-Forest Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Learning for Life and Caring for All


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

All children at Stockton on the Forest Primary School are treated as individuals and are given the support and encouragement required to achieve their full potential.


On occasions however, some children encounter sustained difficulties in class and may be identified as having Special Educational Needs. Should a child be identified as having Special Educational Needs, our aim is to work closely with families in order to provide a supportive learning environment where children can experience achievement and success.


Our SEND report attached details our provision and how we ensure that every child enjoys a full, enjoyable and successful experience in their learning. 

Our SEN team:

Our SENCO is Jo Collins, who can be contacted via the school office on 01904 400366, through Dojo or by email on


Mrs Joyce Botham is the school governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.


Our ELSA TA is Justine Bell.


SEND information:


Attached is the SEN report and SEN policy. Since 2014, schools are required to publish information about services they provide for children with disabilities and Special Education Needs. The intention is to offer choice and transparency for families, as well as providing a resource for professionals to detail the range of services and provision locally. It aims to answer any potential questions you might have about of provision for SEN. This report is reviewed annually by the governors and staff.

This report should be read in conjunction with the Local Authority’s Local Offer, available on the Yor-ok website (link below)

Following the inspection of the local area SEND arrangements in December 2019 the local authority, CCG, parent carer forum and partners across education, health and care have been working to deliver the improvements outlined in our written statement of action. Please find attached a newsletter written by colleagues from the Local Authority and NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group.

Parent Carer Forum Newsletters

Autism Support from the Specialist Teaching Team Spring Term 2024

York's Specialist Teaching Team supports the inclusion of children and young people from birth to 25 years old with low incidence/high needs, with a range of special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND).

The Team works to the York Children and Young People’s Plan and is one part of a range of services from the Local Authority (LA) and other agencies - work with other agencies is very important in ensuring a co-ordinated approach to planning and delivery of services.

Access to the specialist teachers is through the Learning Support Hub (Opens as PDF) Settings and schools can request support using the request forms (found in useful documents section on this page - these open as word documents)

The Specialist teaching team also offer a range of support, guidance, signposting and training as part of their Universal Offer (Opens as PDF). There is a specific advise offer for families (opens in PDF)

Please find attached the current universal offer for parents. More information and forms can be found on the website:

Educational Psychologists Support for Families helpline
