
Stockton-on-the-Forest Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Learning for Life and Caring for All


Headteacher's Welcome

It is with pleasure that we welcome you to Stockton on the Forest Primary School.

At Stockton on the Forest we provide a safe, happy, warm and welcoming learning environment where children are supported to flourish academically, socially and emotionally. Our daily school life is rooted in our values of kindness, respect, resilience, aspiration and community. We are proud of our school with its family feel, fantastic young people and strong community. 


We offer a broad, balanced curriculum with engaging topics and our values at the root of our learning. We promote a love of reading and ensure our curriculum is literacy rich. Our children are given every opportunity throughout the school day to develop their thinking skills, work collaboratively and develop into respectful, conscientious citizens.


Community is important to us and we have a strong parent partnership and links to our local church. We work together to celebrate festivals such as Harvest, Easter and Christmas. We love to invite our families in to join us for opportunities such as special curriculum learning days, sharing assemblies and parent coffee mornings.


For prospective families, we are hosting open mornings which are advertised on the scrolling banner. Visits of the school can also be arranged. We would welcome the opportunity to meet you and show you around our positive and happy school and extensive grounds in the heart of the village. Please contact the school office via to arrange a visit or telephone on 01904 400366.


Jo Collins

Interim Headteacher 
