Happy, Healthy, Learning for Life and Caring for All
At Stockton on the Forest, we are committed to ensuring that EVERY pupil will learn to read regardless of their background, needs or abilities. Our intention is that our pupils view reading as an activity which is enjoyable and essential. We aim for all of our pupils to be able to read with confidence and understanding across the curriculum, use strategies to read and understand unfamiliar words and LOVE reading!
We achieve this through using high quality texts across the curriculum and our environment encourages, models and engages reading. Our teachers and children read high quality texts in class to model prosody and explore vocabulary. Themed days celebrate reading and books are used as hooks into learning throughout school.
Reading is our priority - We all understand the strong correlation between reading and academic success in the wider curriculum and the impact on future learning and life opportunities. The ability to read fluently, comprehend and interpret is a prerequisite to success in later life. We ensure that our approach to teaching phonics and reading is accessible and supportive of ALL learners. We intend for all children in Y1 to pass the Phonics Screen check and all children to reach the expected standard for reading, or achieve greater depth within the expected standard of reading, by the end of each key stage, thus preparing them fully for the next stage of their educational journey. With regular assessments, children who need additional support in reading are rapidly identified and receive evidence-based interventions to ensure they have every chance of success in acquiring the skills to read.
The national curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils: read easily, fluently and with good understanding. develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.
We want all of our children to enjoy Reading for Pleasure and describe their experiences of reading for enjoyment, relaxation, or for the thrill, suspense or emotion gained from the experience. We encourage and promote choice-led reading, where children choose to read through their own free will. We promote this desire and excitement for reading through: